Whistleblowing policy

Safeguarding children, young people and other vulnerable people is everyone’s business.

evolve Therapeutic Children's Services have a whistleblowing process which allows any person to raise a concern or issue directly with a member of the senior team.

It is your responsibility to speak up, please never assume that another person may do.

If you have any concerns

  • Immediately contact or speak to the Safeguarding Lead for the agency which is the Registered Manager
  • Write down and record your concerns, pass them to the Safeguarding Lead. You should not look to investigate but provide the best support (if and where appropriate)
  • If you believe a person maybe at immediate risk of harm, contact the police on 999
If you are from another organisation, please refer to your relevant safeguarding procedures also.

Your Safeguarding Lead will provide support and guidance. They will also contact the Designated Officer is ensure the case is notified where a professional may have behaved in a way that has harmed a child or young person or may harm them. The Lead will also liaise and contact Ofsted where required.

Please also ensure you know how to contact the Safeguarding Lead.
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